Book Reading List

Looking for all of Stephenia H. McGee's books in order? Want to know which historical era a book is in or how books tie together? Look no further!

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Historical Novels

Ironwood Family Saga - A generational series

 (Fun fact. Charles from The Whistle Walk and Matthew from The Accidental Spy Series are cousins. You'll see the families visit across books.)

The Accidental Spy Series

*Originally titled The Liberator Series (Leveraging Lincoln, Losing Lincoln, Labeling Lincoln)

*Set during the Civil War. Books must be read in order. The overall plot is completed throughout all three books. 


River Romances (Set on the Mississippi River, 1920s)


Stand Alone Historical Novels


Historical Novellas


Time Travel Books

The Back Inn Time Series

*Each book can be read as a stand alone and in any order. In each story, characters visit a B&B and spend a few days in the past.


Stand Alone Time Travel


Stand Alone Contemporary


Most books available in eBook, US and International paperbacks, audiobook, and audiobook and eBook bundles.


The Secrets of Emberwild - Only available in US shipping paperback

The Swindler's Daughter - Only available in US shipping paperback

The Ironwood Series - not available in audiobook